Unique Milestone Photo Ideas for Older Kids

Pinch me: my shopping partner, my girly girl, my go-getter, my snuggler, my Juniper is headed to four-days-a-week preschool this fall! How is that possible?!

As we prepare to enter this new stage of parenthood, it got me thinkin’ about what the word “milestone” means for older kids. I love to capture alllll the cute milestones throughout a baby’s first year (learn more about building your own milestone collection here!); the progression of the first year always amazes me. But I don’t want to forget about those elementary kids – they have milestones of their own!

Here are a few safe bet milestones to capture of YOUR older kids:

1. School Milestones

Whether it’s the first day of kindergarten or the last day of fifth grade, I love capturing kids just how they are on one of the most important days of their year. Oh, for sure, the posed yearbook photos that are taken each year certainly have a vibe all their own, but taking a minute to be thankful and to capture the moments that make our hearts full is definitely a mood I can get behind.


2. Interests/Activity Milestones

Like many mini farmers, my son, Sully, is always reaching for a John Deere tractor toy. That little truck takes me right back to the days when he would bolt to the window whenever he heard an engine start up, and I’m so happy that we captured his love for trucks and tractors in photos (chubby baby toes required).

Maybe your child’s love for golf or soccer means that a ball is placed just inside the frame of their photos each year. Or, maybe your little miss priss loves her dollies so very much that one sneaks into family photos. These are treasured interests for your children, and whether they change with the seasons or even more quickly than that, your kids’ love of peekaboo or penguins or pool time should be captured!

3. Holiday Milestones

I have to admit: there’s nothing cuter than a pile of kids snuggled together in matching holiday jammies. And while I’ll always encourage my clients to book a photo session to capture some fresh images for holiday cards (be sure that you’re signed up for my email list to be the first to know about this year’s Holiday Studio Sessions!), don’t forget: there’s a ton of other photo-worthy holidays out there!

For instance, I just love the adorable, heart-themed photos we captured at this year’s Valentine’s Mini Sessions! These sessions were perfect for photos of Mom and kiddos or just the littler ones in your life, and the photos served as yet another annual checkpoint in the busy stage of life with your kids!


As a busy mom wearing many hats, I often get caught up in the here and now…I need to put in that grocery order, what form was I supposed to fill out, don’t forget that doctor’s appointment, oh and we’re out of toothpaste. Granted, those are all necessary things, howeverrrrrr that doesn’t mean it needs to be my life. Because what I value most in life – more than anything money can or should buy (ahem, groceries) – are the humans I’m raising.

So let those dishes sit. Leave the clothes in the dryer. Walk past the overflowing garbage can if you have to. And capture the milestone moments in your kids’ lives, whether they’re babies or not.

Okay, we’ll see ya!

– Brooklyn


AKA, the photographer behind the blog.

I'm Brooklyn.

Ask anyone in Southern Minnesota, and they’ll tell you I take magical brand photos and portraits. Want to know my secret? I could say it’s my professionalism, or my modern studio, or my in-house printing, and those would all be accurate, but...