Managing Motherhood & Entrepreneurship Without Burning Out

Episode 4

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Host: Brooklyn Grotte
Podcast: The Reframed Podcast

In Episode 4 of Reframed, I dive into the topic of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, something I personally find challenging. I want to share some tips and insights that have helped me juggle multiple responsibilities without experiencing burnout.

1. I Can’t Do It All: I’ve learned that it’s impossible to do everything perfectly, and trying to do so only leads to burnout. Setting boundaries in my work has become essential to avoid overloading myself. I’ve made the mistake of overbooking, and while it was great for business, it took a toll on my family and personal life. Now, I focus on what’s most important and try to do those things well.

2. Identifying Glass vs. Rubber Balls: A tip I got from my therapist was to think of everything I juggle as either glass or rubber balls. The glass balls (like my family and health) can’t be dropped without breaking, while the rubber balls (like social media posts) can bounce and be picked up later. This perspective has helped me prioritize what truly matters and let go of things that can wait.

3. Outsourcing When Possible: Delegating tasks has been a game-changer for me. I’ve hired a social media manager, editors, and even a house cleaner to help lighten the load. I still stay involved with my brand’s voice and final edits, but outsourcing allows me to focus on what’s most important while freeing up time for my family.

4. Planning is Essential: Every Sunday, I take time to plan out my week. I use both digital and paper planners to stay on top of my personal and business commitments. This helps me feel more organized and less overwhelmed, especially when unexpected things come up.

Finding balance is not about perfection, but about making progress. I remind myself to give grace when things don’t go as planned, and I hope you do the same. It’s okay to let some things go to focus on what truly matters.

Show notes:




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AKA, the photographer behind the blog.

I'm Brooklyn.

Ask anyone in Southern Minnesota, and they’ll tell you I take magical brand photos and portraits. Want to know my secret? I could say it’s my professionalism, or my modern studio, or my in-house printing, and those would all be accurate, but...